At SUBORO we understand that the ROI you gain from our solution is very important. To provide the greatest flexibility we offer several models for deployment of our solution. From including our solution as an amenity in premium rooms to charging a daily usage fee we can provide the solution you desire. With no upfront charges and no hidden fees, our solution can be swiftly deployed to your property and begin delivering the benefits to your hotel and your guests quickly and easily.

It is estimated that less than 20% of all travelers carry a laptop. This leaves a huge untapped market that can benefit from the CompuGuest solution. The convenience the CompuGuest solution offers will be appreciated by business travelers as well. Not only due to the elimination for the necessity to always carry a laptop but also the potential cost savings and increased productivity our solution offers to the frequent business traveler.

The CompuGuest solution includes a myriad of revenue generating features and additional value added services can be seamlessly integrated.

Increased room revenue alone can generate an additional $250,000.00 per year or more for a typical 1,000 room hotel.

ROI benefits include: